What Is Progressive Education at Lowell?

Progressive education is experiential, active learning that honors the developmental ages and stages of physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. This informs everything we do and provides the foundation for our students to become highly motivated learners with a strong sense of self-worth and efficacy.

The most important principle governing how we approach students’ development—“The Lowell Way”—is holding the utmost respect for them.

Innovative, Intentional Design

A Lowell education honors how children learn and provides an environment that fosters their curiosity and efficacy. Our progressive approach emphasizes skill-building, multi-disciplinary knowledge, collaborative effort, and deep conceptual understanding—all things individuals need to make a difference in the world.

Lowell students:
  • Develop critical and analytical thinking
  • Participate in active collaboration
  • Investigate multiple perspectives
  • Ask questions and search for answers
  • Have a strong sense of self
  • Become leaders in their high schools and beyond
  • Make a positive impact on their communities
Lowell teachers:
  • Respect the individuality of each student
  • Facilitate learning by promoting curiosity and problem-solving
  • Teach understanding and skills through project-based learning
  • Create classroom environments that encourage active participation
  • Help students discover their passions and develop their voices
  • Nurture student strengths
  • Improve themselves through ongoing professional development

Progressive Education in Action

Learning at Lowell

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Avenues to Learning are Varied

    In addition to full-class activities, we provide small group and one-to-one interactions, frequent field trips, and experiential opportunities—both on and off campus. Investigating multiple perspectives is an essential element of the curriculum, and every student has a valuable voice in our learning community. Teachers form strong bonds with students, which leads to more in-depth discourse and the motivation to pursue knowledge even further.
  • Students Learn and Thrive

    From our classroom environments and integrated curriculum to the respectful way we address one another and our commitment to inclusivity, equity, and multicultural understanding, there is purposeful design and rigor in everything we do to help Lowell students grow and thrive. Our approach enables children to learn more deeply, broaden their understanding of the world, and gain skills they will benefit from throughout their lives.
  • Serving the Greater Good

    A central aim of progressive education is to develop informed, critically-minded citizens who will become active participants in a democratic society. At Lowell, we cultivate a learning environment that develops awareness of topics and issues that affect daily lives and how society functions.
  • “The Lowell Way”

    Lowell’s regard for children compels teachers to honor the process of learning and growth. Our energetic and insightful teachers embrace their roles as facilitators and guide students to take responsibility in their learning. Teachers set limits in a firm and friendly manner and expect children to be part of the solution when conflicts arise. Children develop positive self-esteem from doing; they are praised and supported at Lowell through descriptions of their work and actions.

    The language teachers use with children is deeply influenced by the work of educator and child psychologist Haim Ginott (1922–1973). His book, Between Parent and Child, highlights the importance of using empathy and carefully chosen language to demonstrate respect for children and, in turn, inspire their respect. 

    By understanding and engaging in respectful interactions and relationships, students become responsive listeners and expressive communicators. They can collaborate to solve problems and resolve conflicts, as well as recognize when to enlist the assistance of teachers and other mentors.