

List of 1 members.

  • Allison Evans 

    Assistant Director of Development, Special Events, and Alumni Relations
Gathering Lowell alums is joyful, inspiring, exciting, hopeful, and affirming! We love seeing you, hearing your stories, revelling in your interests, and celebrating your growth. So much of who Lowell is today is because of what you made it while you were here—your friendly footprints lead the way for the countless Lowell students following in them. We hope you will always come home to Lowell!

Event Highlights

Fall Bazaar
Saturday, October 19

Alum Happy Hour (ages 21 and up)
Thursday, December 19

Alum Family Party
Friday, January 10, 2025

Lowellapalooza/Class of 2021 Reunion
Sunday, May 18

Recent News