Fundraising Fête

The Fundraising Fête is the Lowell Parent Community's largest, community-run fundraiser of the year, and all proceeds support financial assistance.

Supporting Our Mission

Faculty, staff, parents, alum families, grandparents, and friends come together year after year to celebrate and demonstrate a shared commitment to the value that socioeconomic diversity brings to the Lowell experience.

Financial aid at Lowell directly supports our school’s mission to create an inclusive and diverse community of lifelong learners. In 2023, the Fête raised over $185,000, which supports financial aid for one in three Lowell students. With your generous backing, we aim to extend the reach of a Lowell education to even more students.

Preparations for the big night begin before the first day of school. Volunteer opportunities abound and strengthen the bonds of our community, fostering cross-grade family friendships and boundless school spirit!

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Your Contribution

Contributions are vital to Lowell’s mission to create an inclusive community of lifelong learners in which each individual is valued and respected. More than a third of Lowell families receive financial assistance, and the School simply could not support so many families without generous donations and volunteer support from people like you.